Nearing the End. Week 11.

Perhaps only in the SEC could a 6-9 game with no touchdowns live up to hype of a great game. Only in the SEC could a defensive chess match carry the fireworks of a shootout. Even if this defensive war put you to sleep, you can't argue that these two teams were perfectly matched and the low scoring doesn't cast any darkness on either of them, but perhaps illuminates them if anything.

Top Ten

1. LSU-The Mad Hatter dances to the biggest win of his career. But will likely see more career highlights come January.

2. Stanford-I'd love to put OSU there, but frankly they still don't fully impress me yet. Luck is the man though and I forget all that RGIII, Case Keenum bullshit. RGIII beat an 12th ranked TCU team who came out with basically all new players. They were up big, and TCU came back and almost won. But that loss has seemed to help TCU and hurt Baylor. As for Mr. Keenum, his numbers are gaudy. But come on, so were Timmy Changs'. System Qbs are zzzz.

3. OSU-If they win out, they'll of course be deserving but that's a big "if".

4. Alabama-If anyone proves that there should be a playoff, it's Alabama. I have no intention of gargling SEC ballsack, but it's very obvious they produce the best teams year in and year out. That doesn't necessarily mean they're the best conference year in and year out, but they're the most consistent. A team like Alabama who barely dodges the National Championship could easily put itself in year after if there were this mysterious "playoff" idea.

5. Boise-Ick. Just when I was actually starting to respect them and then I saw Peterson just give the biggest cheesedick interview. Just looked unprofessional, fake, and the cockiness colder than a witch's tit. He just seemed like he was trying to be Nick Saban or something. Very awkward.

6. Oregon-If LSU's brilliance could be validated. It can be validated of just how good the Ducks are.

7. Oklahoma-Would be number 5, but that Broyles injury will hurt them. Not a big fan of BIg Game Bob and the Sooners, but would love to see them play Boise and make Boise eat shit for the Sandlot jabroni-ness in 2006. Let's all admit, looking back on was pretty gay.

8. Clemson-I love this team. I've loved them since TCU beat in 09 and everyone came back saying how great these fans were. Gotta root for teams like these.

9. Arkansas-Like in the Hayes Carll song "Bad Liver and Broken Heart" he's states "Arkansas, my head hurts". Arkansas makes my head heart. Are they good? Are they bad? Who knows.

10. Houston-If Houston makes a BCS bowl, it will be like when Hawaii made it. They''ll get destroyed. System teams in weak conferences will do this and is why people don't like the little dogs playing against giants. While the Utahs and TCUs earned their keep, I don't think Houston will.

23. TCU-Let my bias come in please. I think TCU needed these two losses this year, and it feels good not to have to battle the BCS this year, because I think if TCU would've won out it would've been another year left out of the National Championship. And as much fun as the Rose Bowl was last year, I think no other Non-NC can top it. But frankly they've lost by a total of 9 points, both rivalry games. Texas can't beat OU 6 years in a row (and vice-versa), Ohio State can't do it to Michigan, USC can't do it to UCLA, frankly rivalry games are the trickiest of them all. No matter how good either is, or the separation between them it's always going to be a coin flip. And good for SMU. I'm glad they caught us in our "off year".