Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...

By Brett Neal 

With only 4 days left of Shark Week, here's what you should watch.



Wed 8:00 pm
This special updates the international shark attack files for the 21st century and takes a close look at the sharks you don't want to meet this summer -- and the ones you're most likely to encounter. From the weird - the feisty cookie cutter, which bites cookie-shaped circles out of its prey; to the macabre, like the Sand Tiger, whose cannibalistic young devour each other in the womb, to the infamous – Great Whites, Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks – TOP 10 SHARKDOWN ranks these amazing predators.

Why BPN is excited:

Spoiler Alert: There are more than 2 types of sharks that live in the ocean. In fact, there are over 350 species of sharks known today. This show finally gives a glimpse past the Great White and Bull Sharks that this week predominately focuses on. But who could blame them.



Thu 9:00 pm
This special follows American and Japanese scientists as they descend into the deepest and darkest unexplored oceans on earth in search of some of the more incredible and bizarre sharks on the planet, from the Goblin shark to the elusive, giant Megamouth shark.

Why BPN is excited: 

Scientists today know more about outer space than we do our own ocean. This should sends you on a journey where no man has gone before, to the deepest darkest place on earth. There you will find species of fish only fabled about, including some very special sharks. Some you may see in this episode include not only the Goblin Shark and the Megamouth Shark, but also the Six Gilled Shark, the Sleeper Shark, and the Cookie Cutter Shark.
Goblin Shark



Fri 8/7c
The coast of South Australia is a place like no other. It is home to a Great White feeding ground that is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Known in local legend as the Great White Gauntlet, this deadly stretch of waters holds a prize bounty for divers: a rare sea snail called the abalone which is worth thousands on the international market. Abalone diving can be both lucrative and dangerous because it happens in one of the most deadly shark feeding grounds in the world where the Great White sharks prowl. This special takes a closer look at the real-life dangers these divers encounter every day.

Why BPN is excited:

Time out; people are diving into Great White infested waters to retrieve sea snails... and I thought street luge was a bad idea.


Nothing new is on, so I'm going to watch Jaws while sitting in my hot tub. Real ballsy.

The first ever "photo bomb"