Virginia Tech&Ole Miss Become Eskimo Brothers. Week Two Recap.

Okay, well Eskimo Brothers implies you've slept with the same girl. But I guess we can call Virginia Tech and Ole Miss Eskimo Brothers after they both got fucked by I-AA schools like a rapist's first day in prison. Just how cold was that first shower? The sad thing is I loved Masoli at Oregon and thought he was a great fit. However at Ole Miss he fits in about as well as Mel Gibson at a synagogue.

After This Week Here's My Top Ten.

1. Alabama-Looking scary even without Ingram, prepare for battle SEC.
2. Ohio State-Looking scary themselves, but not as scary as "The U" Alumni on the sidelines. And by Alumni, I of course mean prison.
3 (tie). Boise-Off week, but judging how V-Tech played the Oregon State game on the Smurf is looking more and more interesting.
TCU-Easy opponent. Easy win. Didn't fall into the Eskimo Brothers category. Solid week.
5. Oregon-I guarantee them in at least the Rose Bowl. If Alabama or Ohio State lose, they will play one of the Non-AQs for a National Championship.

6. Nebraska-Bo Bo Bo your vote for coach of the year. Too early?

7. Oklahoma-Trashy fans versus very trashy fans. OU shows up though.

8. Texas-Once again looked a little sloppy. They play Nebraska and OU back to back here in a few weeks. Cotton (or Holiday) Bowl anyone?

9. Iowa-Still the most boring team in the Top 25. And people wonder why no one talks about them....

10. South Carolina-Hard to call them a sleeper team. Them and Arkansas are proving yet again why the SEC dominates college football. No matter what these new and "improved" conferences say.